Home & Building Automation Solution
Just imagine a world where you come back to your house after a tiring day at work, your house senses your presence and you’re welcomed with a cup of hot brewed coffee? Well, what comes as a breath-taking fact is that, smart homes today are a reality. It would be wise to say that, the concept of IoT powered smart homes is garnering more traction than ever and that too on a large scale. With our home & building automation service solutions at Epsilon electronics, you can literally obtain control over your house’s lights, security, appliances, thermostats as well as security cameras by just using your smartphone.
When we talk about building automation connectivity, it can be said that it opens up your world to both, ravishing opportunities as well as risks. At Epsilon electronics, robustness and reliability are what makes us different than the rest. Our experts are innovating an array of products blended with absolute high-quality components to cater your smart home needs.
You can literally reduce your house’s energy consumption and can also lower the CO2 emissions by inculcating our home automation in your house or using our building automation service. Get unprecedented access to smart devices, HVAC, various high-tech gadgets, sensors etc. with a touch of your smartphone. Artificial intelligence blended with machine learning can also be implemented, in this way, the system learns from the user feedback and never repeats any mistake.
Whole House Audio
When implemented, the technology can empower your voice to be the leader of the house. From turning on/off the lights to controlling irrigation systems, everything can be accounted for by your voice commands. Also, an array of speakers and mics can be installed in your house rooms for an unparalleled music experience and interactivity.

Climate Control
When we talk about saving energy and hence, lesser energy bills, climate control is that Home and Building automation solution we can leverage. With the help of any simple mobile application, your house climate system can sense your phone presence and thus, you can change the temperature as it pleases you. Your house can warm up itself and ready itself for your arrival as well, fascinating right? You can also control a majority of HVAC appliances, thus it’s no longer requires to be burned by your electricity consumption bills.
Better Security
The internet of things can literally act like your house very own virtual security personnel when you go out. Smart Locks are garnering all the limelight, you can allow access to a certain array of voices or knock patterns. What comes as a fascinating fact is that, any attempt to breach is almost impossible and you end up receiving instant notification and emergency call by the security systems. Several types of sensors for doors, windows and even terrace can be blended with IoT technology and hence, a better inside-out control of your house can be achieved through your smartphone.